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Discover Christ and Who He is in You

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Discover Christ and Who He is in You

Redeemer’s Heart Church, led by Pastors Ben and Eileen Johnson, is a fellowship where believers in relationship to a church family become disciples—followers and learners submitted to the lordship of Jesus Christ. 

Through relationship, disciples form a strong biblical identity and discovers who Christ is and who He created them to be. This journey of discovery gives followers of Jesus an opportunity to find their fullest expression and purpose on earth. 





Feel free to join us just as you are, whether in a suit and tie or jeans and a T-shirt. You will come as a guest and leave as family. Doors open at 10:30 for a time of fellowship. Sunday service begins at 11AM with worship. Worship is followed by the sharing of God’s word, communion, and personal ministry as the Holy Spirit leads.   Come with a heart of expectation to discover Christ and who He is in you!


To equip disciples in our local church family with all that they need to discover and fulfill their calling and purpose in Christ.


What we believe

• The Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God. It stands as the final authority in every disciple’s life. • We believe in one eternal God who exists as three separate persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. • We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life as He walked among men, demonstrated the authority and power of God in works and speech, died on the cross, rose from the dead on the third day, and is now seated at the right hand of God, having accomplished all that is necessary for man’s salvation. • We believe it is essential for man to repent of sin and by faith receive the finished work of Christ by confessing Him as Lord with his mouth while believing in his heart, which results in regeneration by the Holy Spirit. • We believe that every believer should be baptized in water following Christ’s example, in obedience to His command. • We believe in the present-day work of the Holy Spirit that He started at Pentecost, empowering believers to live a godly life and continue in all the works of Jesus. Believers can and should be filled with the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues and flowing in all of the gifts given to Church. • We believe that Jesus will return for His Church as is recorded in Scripture. We believe in Heaven and Hell. Heaven is the eternal resting place for all believers after their death. All unbelievers, those who do not repent and believe in Christ in this earthly life, will eventually be cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity. • We believe the true Church is composed of all born-again believers in Christ, regardless of denominational affiliation. • We believe all born-again believers have been commissioned to share the Gospel with the world.

What to Expect
What We Believe


Volunteering at Redeemer’s Heart Church gives believers a chance to

discover their gifts and share them with others in our church family.

Opportunities range from helping with the logistics of a Sunday service to joining ministry teams who go out

to serve in the community.


Displaying Christ’s love outside of the four walls of the church fulfills the call and commission that Christ has given to every disciple. Outreach opportunities that we do as a church body can consist of outreach such as ministering to local nursing facilities, participating in street ministry, and going on short-term mission trips.

Small groups 

Church small groups are vital for community and spiritual growth. They provide support for sharing experiences and deepening faith, fostering accountability and strengthening the church.



Welcome to Redeemer’s Heart: Reconciled and Righteous, a podcast from Redeemer’s Heart Church dedicated to uplifting, inspiring, and guiding listeners in their walk with Christ. Each episode features teachings from our pastors, heartfelt testimonies from our community, and discussions on how to apply biblical principles in everyday life. Whether you’re seeking spiritual growth, encouragement through life’s challenges, or insights into the teachings of the Gospel, this podcast is designed to connect you to the truth of what Christ has done in you. Tune in for fresh perspectives on faith, worship, and the power of God’s love in your life.

Join Our Livestream 

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​Upcoming Events

No events at the moment


Giving is a form of worship and when you give to your local church, you are making a difference in someone else’s life. People meet Jesus, lives are healed, marriages and families can be restored. Your generous gifts enable us to help more people experience life-changing relationship with Jesus. We invite you to partner with us in giving as we impact lives in our community and those around the world.


Checks can be mailed to:


Redeemer’s Heart Church

4419 Centennial Blvd., Suite 344

Colorado Springs, CO 80907


2 Corinthians 9:7-8, "Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace about toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work."


Get in Touch

Redeemer's Heart Church

is dedicated to fostering a loving and biblically based atmosphere where people experience God’s intent for the Body of Christ on earth. Our mission is to equip disciples in our local church family with all that they need to discover and fulfill their calling and purpose

in Christ.

For more information or

to connect with us, please reach out via email at

or call us at (719) 357-8113. We look forward to getting to know you.



For more information, please email us at:



3612 Galley Rd.//Suite E// Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Phone: (719) 357-8113

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